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3D Dice

The dice displayed did not match the chat resukts
Scott C.
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There are several possible reasons for this. Are you using a character sheet that uses a roll template? Any and all dice rolled in the template will show up as 3d dice. In addition, if you roll more than the maximum dice 3d dice (10 I believe), only the first 10 will be shown as 3d dice.
Forum Champion
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To add more info: Some sheets (such as D&D) will always roll twice the number of dice needed. These are used to account for Advantage/Disadvantage or critical hit damage. The built-in roll templates will only display the dice that have effect. The 3d Dice are a separate engine. If you roll a 2d6 attack, the roll template will actually roll 4d6, and only display the extra two on a critical hit. The 3D Dice only know that 4d6 were rolled and will show all of them.
We found that it was only registering the numbers as they first land.  If they bounced off of each other it all, the dice face is not what is reflected in chat.
We are playing the Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory system There are anywhere from 1 to 20 d6 being rolled at any point in time It's simply a matter of the physics
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Thanks Sharaeda, I'll send a note to the dev team.
Hi Sharaeda, Does the system you mention use an exploding dice mechanic at all?
Sometimes the dice bounce off of each other, but i'm not sure if that's what you're referring to as exploding dice
Forum Champion
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"Exploding Dice" refers to a dice mechanic, wherein if a certain number is rolled on a given die, an additional die is added to the roll. This can continue, leading to rare, but quite high, rolls.