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Any chance of creating a set of character macros only ONCE for ALL campaigns?

I'm pretty sure this was probably asked before, but can't find it... Now, that I've played a bunch of online Pathfinder games, it's ridiculous that I have to reenter the same macros over and over again for each character I use. It would seem like an obvious feature to allow users to have persistent character macros. Why is that feature missing and will it be implemented soon? Thanks.
Nope. None at all. It's missing because of fears about copyright infringement; apparently allowing the ability to copy a thing from one thing to another thing means that everyone will be copying all the things everywhere and that is a bad thing. Or at least will lead to Roll20 getting sued, somehow, I guess. It will likely never be implemented. The Dev's have said as much, every other time this question has been asked. The best we can do is to get really good at using copy-and-paste, to do the exact thing they're trying to prevent in a slow, sloppy, and annoying manner. -Phnord
Yeah, I've created a macros text document that I need to keep updated as my characters change and copy/paste every single time. It just seems silly and something that could be sooooo simple to implement. I don't understand their concern. Under my own login, my characters would only be for me. How could that be problematic with other logins?
I agree wholeheartedly. Allowing players to maintain character sheets outside of any specific game, which they could then import to games as needed, is one thing that would definitely make me willing to buy a subscription, were it offered.
Possibly better for GMs, no? Campaign name: "Pathfinder Template Campaign" Action: Copy/Extend Campaign(Checkbox: characters) Result: Voila!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I agree wholeheartedly. The copyright claim doesn't hold water, since there is a tool available to mentors that allows you to copy stuff from one character sheet to another, but why it needs to be that laborious (and cost $10/month!) even for Mentors is beyond me. You really should be able to set up a journal as a template, and then create new character sheets based on that template. You can do this manually. Just create a blank character sheet, add all the stats, abilities, basic bio text you need, then when you create a new character, copy that template and use the copy.
Being able to make a character sheet outside of a game would be brilliant. If the current campaign falls apart due to whatever reasons, you could just keep your character and transfer it to a new campaign with someone else. Having the journal tool outside of games would be a lot easier and less time consuming. It would also allow games to start quicker since the players don't have to wait for the GM to set up the tokens/characters. A GM could have a game ready to go, then the players just drag their characters straight into the campaign. The GM can quickly check them over and start playing right away. Maybe a temporary solution would be to just keep a spreadsheet with all the macros and details in, ready for you to copy and paste, but this is nowhere near as effective.
So, I could whip up a firefox webscraper extension that copy-pastes from a spreadsheet into a roll20 sheet. But like, you're doing the same ineffective thing, the only difference is that it's automated.
Actually, I think my original question though should be extremely simple to fulfill. Forget about all this copy paste nonsense. Just allow me to associate a set of macros with a "character" (which doesn't have to be a character sheet or anything like that, it can just be a number or some other abstract) and let me bring those macros back up without having to retype (paste) them all every single time.
The copy paste nonsense is to get around "it's not going to be implemented". I'm assuming that to be the case, based on what Phnord said. Our legal and copyright systems make so little sense to me that I want to get a law degree. They pop up in some strange places.
The next big update is supposed to be centered around improving character sheets/journal pages... so who knows what features we'll be getting.
Actually, I'm not crazy about the character sheet thing since I already have everything as part of a Hero Labs portfolio. I suppose after seeing the feature implemented, I might change my mind. I was more interested in just having the macros be saved between campaigns. In Pathfinder Society play you end up reusing your characters at different VTT's every single time you play. I think the same problem might occur with the character sheet situation. What happens to the macro you created that utilizes the character sheet from one campaign to the next?
Bruce, with the API and if we get a character sheet vault... we'll be able to make character sheet importers and you'll have a stable of characters you can use with macro's and everything already set.