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[Need Help - Complex] Abilities, Nested Queries, Templates, and Confusion... ohh my....


Edited 1543286942
I may be trying to do something that is too complex, IDK if it's even possible but I'm trying... I've hit a brick wall however and I'm trying to use my warhammer to break open a hole.  I'm trying to create a macro-like ability using nested queries in an attempt to call another macro-like ability containing a template. The idea behind it is to press one button, and it will ask what weapon and how many attacks to select the right ability to use. For now I'm just using a few more basic abilities as a proof of concept and to work out the bugs before i destroy all my current attack  abilities . A couple notes before I begin: Madrick is the name of the character, he is a lvl 16 Pathfinder Consigliere Rogue/Swashbuckler with a bunch of special abilities and templates. I am using 8 Attributes that I refer to several times in the abilities. (cSTR = 2; cDEX = 9; cCON = 8; cWIS = 4; cBAB = 16; Fort/Will = 5; cRef = 5; cLevel = 16) The call  ability  that I'm using is this: ?{Which Ability?|Saves,%{Madrick|Saves}|Parry,%{Madrick|Parry}} This is just a simple query to figure out whether I roll the 'Saves' or the 'Parry'  abilities . These are the 2  abilities  I am attempting to call in my original query (I added new lines to make it easier to read. actual code is not in multiple lines): &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=Madrick}} {{name=Saves}} {{Fortitude=[[1d20+@{cCON} [Con] +@{Fort/Will} [Base] +3 [Cloak of Resist] +?{Bonus Modifier|0} [Misc]]]}} {{Reflex=[[1d20+@{cDEX} [Dex] +@{cRef} [Base] +3 [Cloak of Resist] +?{Bonus Modifier} [Misc]]]}} {{Will=[[1d20+@{cWIS} [Wis] +@{Fort/Will} [Base] +3 [Cloak of Resist] +?{Bonus Modifier} [Misc]]]}} {{Improved Evasion, Immune to Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, Alignment Detection, Fire, Precision, and Criticals}} &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=Madrick}} {{name=Opportune Parry}} {{attack=[[1d20+[[5+1+1+@{cDEX}+@{cBAB}]] [Base] +?{Flank|No,0|Flanking,4|Outflank,6} [Flanking] +?{To-Hit Modifier|0} [Misc]]]}} After some research I figured out that I had to replace some of the characters: | } and , with their HTML codes. &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=Madrick}} {{name=Saves}} {{Fortitude=[[1d20+@{cCON} [Con] +@{Fort/Will} [Base] +3 [Cloak of Resist] +?{Bonus Modifier|0} [Misc]]]}} {{Reflex=[[1d20+@{cDEX} [Dex] +@{cRef} [Base] +3 [Cloak of Resist] +?{Bonus Modifier} [Misc]]]}} {{Will=[[1d20+@{cWIS} [Wis] +@{Fort/Will} [Base] +3 [Cloak of Resist] +?{Bonus Modifier} [Misc]]]}} {{Improved Evasion, Immune to Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, Alignment Detection, Fire, Precision, and Criticals}} &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=Madrick}} {{name=Opportune Parry}} {{attack=[[1d20+[[5+1+1+@{cDEX}+@{cBAB}]] [Base] +?{Flank|No,0|Flanking,4|Outflank,6} [Flanking] +?{To-Hit Modifier|0} [Misc]]]}} When I did so, the  abilities  no longer outputted to template format, instead just outputting as so: Even so, the Original nested  ability  is now having trouble reading the Attributes:
Sheet Author
Instead of trying to force them into a query, maybe you should take a look at  chat menus from the Stupid Tricks thread.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Seconding Kraynic's suggestion. It is possible to do want you want, but the result is rarely worth the effort required. If you do still want to try doing it as a roll query, you can also find my roll query escaper spreadsheet in that thread. Go to the first page and look for it in the index Keith maintains.
Okay, thank you guys

Edited 1543290152
Sheet Author
Or... just use the community sheet's "All Attacks" chat menu. ;-P You can drag/drop any button from the sheet to the quickbar or use the PFC script to add chat menus as token actions automatically.   Awesome sauce.