This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $10 USD per session via PayPal (first game is free!). Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Greetings traveler... Are you looking for a long-term campaign where that one character that's been percolating in your head can finally see some play-time? Have you never played D&D before and want to try? Are you a forever-DM that is itching to sit on the other side of the screen for a change? Looking to explore a vast homebrew setting? This may be the game for you. Hi! I'm David, and I've been playing or DMing D&D for over 12 years now, since 3.5e. I've run many games in the real world, and many here on Roll20. I'm looking for a group of adventurers for a new campaign on **Fridays at 9pm CST**. Why pay to play? DMing is a huge hobby of mine, and while I do it mainly for the social aspect of collaborative storytelling, there are expenses; Maps, Tokens, my Pro subscription here on Roll20, not to mention the amount of time I sink into worldbuilding and prepping for sessions. The first session is FREE , to see if you fit in with the group and like the style of the game. Information about this Campaign --The party will start at either level 1 or 3, depending on the amount of new players in the group. --The party will choose whether we use point buy or rolled dice for starting stats. --We will be using Discord for voice chat during sessions, and for communication between sessions. --Sessions will be 3.5 to 4 hours long, with a short break or two. --This is a homebrew world/setting of mine that is not published. It is high fantasy/medium magic, in a slightly advanced timeline (think Europe in the late 1600s). Most of the published D&D races are inhabitants of the world, with a few changes. Players will receive a link to a Google document that details everything when they join the game. --There are a few minor house rules and extra character creation options available, as well as homebrewed classes from other sources that I find work very well. What you can expect --A fun-loving, punctual DM. --A good, collaborative story where your characters and their backstories have a chance to shine. I am a HUGE fan of D&D web shows like Critical Role and High Rollers . If you've seen how Matt Mercer and Mark Hulmes DM, then you've got a fair inkling of how the games I run flow. --A small group, so that you aren't lost in a sea of voices. --New to D&D? Don't worry - I've taught dozens of people. --Background/Ambiance music through Discord during the game. --Roll20 Pro features like Dynamic Lighting. Interested? Take a look at the game listing and apply if you're enticed. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/139484/friday-night-d-and-d" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/139484/friday-night-d-and-d</a>