I'm hoping that someone can look at this and tell me if I'm doing something wrong, or suggest a better way to get the behavior I want. The sheet has a repeating section for "class features", essentially character abilities. Some abilities may have limited uses, and I want to track that. Some abilities don't have limited uses, and don't need to be tracked. I have a pair of input boxes for tracking feature_uses and feature_uses_max. When the roll button is pressed, as part of the roll template for class features I want to display the uses, only when they are applicable. I want to assume that if feature_uses_max is 0, it is unlimited, and I don't want to display the uses in the roll template. What I discovered, was that in order to check if feature_uses_max was 0 as part of the roll template, I had to pass it in as an inline roll {{featureusesmaxnum}}. Because I didn't want it to be styled like a roll in the display, I also had to pass it in plain {{featureusesmax}}. Anyway- cut to the chase: tl;dr It works the way I want it to when I press the button on the character sheet. However, if I drag that button down to the macro bar, it seems the evaluation in the roll template always fails, and the uses are never displayed, regardless of feature_uses_max value. What's the difference, and how can I make it work the way I want either way? <div class="sheet-col-1-2 sheet-padr"> <h4 class="sheet-center">Features</h4> <div class="sheet-row sheet-sub-header"> <div class="sheet-col-2-7 sheet-center sheet-small-label">Feature Name / Uses</div> <div class="sheet-col-5-7 sheet-center sheet-small-label">Feature Description</div> </div> <fieldset class="repeating_features"> <div class="sheet-row"> <div class="sheet-col-2-7"> <div class="sheet-row"> <input type="text" name="attr_featurename"> </div> <div class="sheet-row"> <div class="sheet-col-1-4"> <button type="roll" name="roll_Feature" value="&{template:5eDefault} {{feature=1}} {{featuresubheader=@{character_name}}} {{featureuses=@{feature_uses}}} {{featureusesmax=@{feature_uses_max}}} {{featureusesmaxnum=[[@{feature_uses_max}]]}} {{title=@{featurename}}} {{featureshowdesc=@{featuredescr}}}"></button> </div> <div class="sheet-col-3-10"> <input type="number" name="attr_feature_uses" min="0" step="1" value="0" /> </div> <div class="sheet-col-1-10 sheet-tiny-note"> &nbsp;/&nbsp; </div> <div class="sheet-col-3-10"> <input type="number" name="attr_feature_uses_max" min="0" step="1" value="0" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-col-5-7"> <div class="sheet-auto-expand"> <span name="attr_featuredescr"></span> <textarea class="sheet-auto-expand" spellcheck="false" name="attr_featuredescr"></textarea> </div> </div> </div> </fieldset> </div> {{#featuresubheader}} {{#rollGreater() featureusesmaxnum 0}} <div class="sheet-rt-subheader">{{featuresubheader}} &bullet; {{featureuses}}/{{featureusesmax}} Uses</div> {{/rollGreater() featureusesmaxnum 0}} {{#^rollGreater() featureusesmaxnum 0}} <div class="sheet-rt-subheader">{{featuresubheader}}</div> {{/^rollGreater() featureusesmaxnum 0}} {{/featuresubheader}} Thanks for your time and attention!