I know this is a long shot, but is anyone interested in taking over the GM role in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer game?
Our GM has had to bow out but the players are very interested in continuing as the group games very well together. Our current game schedule is Monday nights US time, some flexibility on when we start and end there, and we may be able to find an alternate day that fits everyone's schedule. We're about 8 episodes in but nothing significant lore wise has happened that can't be wiped or retconned to fit your ideas for the campaign going forward. The setting is currently a private prep school in Delaware in 1997 but we're open to change. We mainly just want to keep our same characters/personalities and move forward. We game on Roll20 and Discord and have an in-progress wiki thing I can send you a link you to if you want to see a little more about us.
DM me if you're interested!