So i've noticed across my games that an issue has cropped up causing my Jukebox to be unusable. My library is intact and everything else works fine, i've even checked my computer and Browser settings and there is nothing preventing the Javascript from working as it should. Whenever I go to play any given song, it just doesn't play, as in no audio plays even though it reads the song as active. (And no, my computer speakers aren't an issue because if I click the cloud and go to FanBurst the songs play perfectly). Now a side note that all the "Broken" songs are those from FanBurst, the ones that aren't from FanBurst seem to work fine. Whenever I hover over the play button, the bottom left text reads "javascript:void(0);" (Screenshot attached) This has fixed itself in the past, but it's been recurrent for almost a week and consistent across all my games. I've tried reconfiguring my browser and even another browser to no effect, i've restarted my computer, and I am stumped. Anyone else have this issue or have any idea how i'd remedy it? I tend to use music in my games and not having it is annoying because my players say that it really helps the moment when used well.