I have been working on a creating a campaign and have made up a few adventures I would like to test out. I am looking for 4 players any experience level. Characters made from PHB only, level 1, using the 27 point build. The Campaign is story driven, but there are many options for the party to choose so it is not quite linear. The campaign would be 3 hour sessions every other week from 8pm to 11pm. Below is the background for the starting adventure. Location: 60 miles south from Berdusk along the road between Berdusk and Iriaebor. Starting Point: The Dirk and Shield Inn Time of Year: Mid month of Mirtul the last 2 days have been sunny and warm. Nice spring Days. Background: It is the year 1489. Some call it the year of intrigue. Over 100 years has passed since the time of troubles, and ten years since the spell plague ended and return of Mystra. But quiet has not come to Faerun, at least not yet. In recent years, the earth has shaken like never before. Just 5 short years, ago an earthquake ripped through this, valley almost destroying the city Iriaebor. And the quakes continue. Not sure of the cause, some say it is the great sundering brought about by the gods. “They are tearing apart of the world and repairing it, back to its original glory from before the times of trouble.” The last two winters have lasted longer than any known previously, even to the recollection by the elves. The stars, whose movement can be tracked across the night sky, seemed to stand still for weeks on end, not making their slow migration across the black velvet canvas. But not all the changes have been ill, the companion has come. A second sun appeared one day over the city of Elturel, its light can be seen in the sky day and night shining like a bright star beacon, driving off undead and rallying new Paladins under its banner for good. Dragons they say are stirring again in the west and north. Their shadows cast down as they soar above, striking fear and terror into men’s hearts. A great evil has come others say. But this not for us to worry for. We worry about simpler things, our family, the roof over our heads, and making a living and hope that the gods will send us heroes to right the wrongs, and to protect us from the evil that lurks where we cannot see. It is a time of intrigue. PC’s back stories: The party members need to provide individual back stories on how they got to the Inn and when. They all need to be going to Berdusk, but stopped at the Inn within the last 24 hours up until 4pm of the game commencement day 13th of Mirtul.