Hello all! First off, GroupCheck is a godsend. I concur with the Jakob's opening comment about how begrudgingly I've rolled 10+ saves against Fireballs before lol. My question today is inspired by the post Kevin made in the GroupCheck thread a while back about making a "Master" Saving Throw menu that popped-up on-screen and allowed you to cycle through it, rather than spamming chat. I tried to do the same thing for Skill Checks, replacing "Ability Save" with "Ability Check" and "Dexterity Save," for example, with "Dexterity, Acrobatics,Sleight of Hand,Stealth Check|",but I could never get a drop-down menu that actually enabled me to pick which check to use. Can anyone help me figure out how I could make a macro like this within the script? Obviously, I would remove all the "status condition," "damage," "DC," etc. from this list. For reference, here is the initial "master saving throw" macro that Kevin developed and that I am using for inspiration for this post: !group-check --whisper {{ --?{Ability Save|Strength,Strength Save|Dexterity,Dexterity Save|Constitution,Constitution Save|Intelligence,Intelligence Save|Wisdom,Wisdom Save|Charisma,Charisma Save} --ro ?{Roll Type|Normal,roll1|Advantage,adv|Disadvantage,dis} --process --subheader vs DC ?{DC} --button ApplyDamage !apply-damage ~dmg [[?{Damage|0}]] ~type ?{Damage on Save|Half,half|None,none} ~DC ?{DC} ~saves RESULTS(,) ~ids IDS(,) ?{Status| None,~| Red,~status red| Blue,~status blue| Green,~status green| Orange,~status orange| Purple,~status purple| Pink,~status pink| Yellow,~status yellow| ―, | Concentrating,~status blue| Readying,~status stopwatch| ―, | Prone,~status back-pain| Restrained,~status fishing-net| Grappled,~status grab| ―, | Incapacitated,~status interdiction| Stunned,~status pummeled| Unconscious,~status sleepy| ―, | Charmed,~status chained-heart| Frightened,~status screaming| ―, | Poisoned,~status half-heart| Blinded,~status bleeding-eye| Deafened,~status lightning-helix| Paralyzed,~status padlock| Petrified,~status broken-skull| ―, | Dodging,~status bolt-shield| Cover (half),~status broken-shield:2| Cover (three-quarters),~status broken-shield:5| Cover (full),~status white-tower| Invisible,~status ninja-mask| ―, } }} Thanks! Aelar