You just had to go a little farther down that page in the wiki: Rerolling Dice (B,F) rCP
Several systems require that certain dice be reroll, for example
brutal weapons in D&D 4e require any 1s or 2s to be re-rolled and
the original die value ignored. The reroll modifier can be specified
multiple times to allow rerolling at multiple Compare Points. By default
the dice will continue to reroll until the result is inside the defined
parameters. Optionally you can set the results to only reroll once
regardless of the outcome.
Example Rerolls
2d10r<2 - Roll 2 d10's and reroll any time a 2 or lower is rolled
8d6r - Roll 8 d6's and reroll any time a 1 is rolled
8d6r2r4r6 - Roll 8 d6's and reroll any time a 2, 4, or 6 is rolled
2d6ro<2 - Roll 2 d6's and reroll anything less than 2 but only once
I think that last one is what you are after.