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Character sheets very slow to open!

I'm having nearly game breaking performance issues. Its like roll20 is using cold storage for some data, as if my character sheets are coming form a tape backup drive...
Scott C.
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There are a few possible causes to this. Can you specify which character sheet you are using (there are several for some systems)? Do you have lots of repeating items added (typically a cause for concern on something like a high level wizard in DnD/Pathfinder) How big is your campaign? Are you seeing issues with any other aspect of Roll20? And in a similar vein, do you notice any difference based on what map you might be on?

Edited 1546868504
I'll add to that. I recently purchased some of the official WotC adventures for D&D 5e, and the lag when using them in a campaign is ridiculous. Opening a character sheet the first time is as quick as in other campaigns, but from the 2nd time onward it gets to 10+ seconds (also when editing & then saving). I understand that these are big campaigns with lost of pages, handouts, characters, dynamic lightning and so on, but I actually dread the first session in the updated campaign this week. The adventures themselves are pretty cool, and they reduce prep time by a lot, but running a campaign where everything takes 10 seconds or more to open is not really feasible, is it? Using the D&D5 OGL sheet, of course. Campaigns are pretty much as bought (problems started right off the bat without many changes except adding a PC or two) Official campaigns: HotDQ, RoT and LMoP (so that big); EDIT: and Curse of Strahd No difference, issues persist even on blank screen. Have not tried much else, since I was only prepping games, but that is bad enough in itself. I'm considering creating new, blank campaigns and just importing whatever is necessary, but that's a workaround at best.
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Jacob: Scott asks some very good questions, which could help pinpoint your particular bottleneck. Often, the number of resources in a game can pull down responsiveness. Christoph: Normally, I'd direct you to a thread of your own, since one person's problem solution can be different from another's and can derail the thread. In this case, I'd suggest turning off Advanced Fog of War and see if that helps. If you want more detailed and directed help, please start a new thread, so Jacob's issue isn't diverted. Both: In many cases, a loss of responsiveness can be pinpointed by working   through these steps of our guide to   Solving Technical Issues : Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome  and  Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable  all  add-ons/extensions. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through  Step 4 .  (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
Hey Keith, thanks for the answer. I've followed the first three steps (Chrome up-to-date, no extensions or addons, chache cleared). In addition, I've disabled Advanced Fog of War (and regular, to be sure). I've archived pages (although I'm not sure if that actually reduces any load). The issue still persists. I'll see if I can get around to get a proper bug report and open a new thread.
This is a long-standing and well-known problem, caused by having 'too many' assets in a campaign. In some cases, there are additional problems which can be solved by the steps posted above by keithcurtis. But the primary cause is that Roll20 tries to load everything up at once, causing lag and in some cases loss of data. Archiving pages and character sheets does not help; Roll20 still loads them, you just can't access them directly anymore. This was known and reported at least 5 years ago, when I started with Roll20, and has not improved in that time. Roll20's official response to this issue is basically "Sucks to be you." The solution is as Christoph suggests above: Make multiple separate campaigns, and use the transmogrifier to move assets around as needed, keeping the active campaign as small as possible. Eliminating processor-intensive systems, such as Dynamic Lighting and Fog-of-War, also can help reduce lag, but this is a different problem than the OPs.
I have the same problem in a game that only contains 1 character sheet. This suggests that it is not the bug that Phnord Prefect thinks it is. To reproduce the problem here are the steps on Windows 10 Home v 1803 Chrome 72.0.3626.96. 1) Open up the character sheet. 2) Click "Edit" 3) Click "Save Changes" The character sheet disappears and the roll20 screen freezes for more than 10 seconds until the character sheet reappears.  In sessions where I have been doing a lot of editing the delay starts at a little over 10 seconds but increases until it is so long that Chrome warns me that the page is unresponsive and asks if I want to kill it. This is not a problem with the newest version of Firefox 65.0.