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[LFP][5E] Interest check [D&D newbies have a look]


Edited 1548032998
Mod correct me if this isn't the correct place to be posting this. Hello! You can call me Serdash, I'm a slightly new DM that started out in 5th edition with a good hold on the rules and a year of experience. I'm currently DMing a campaign on thursday and one on friday and I usually take in new players as the preference, game would preferably be on a saturday or sunday, and my timezone is GMT-3. Gametime is very flexible and could be at most hours on those days. So here's what I'm trying to start up: I'd be looking for a monthly one-shot/long-shot that is meant ONLY for new players, and I mean NEW players, complete newbies (that show enthusiasm) that would like to learn about the system and basics of rp table "manners". This does include players from other non-D&D systems that would like to learn it too. The one shot would be always the same and I would take in different players every month, going trough character creation with each one of them and giving them a notion for the rules with a pseudo-training I worked on, so that they aren't completely lost and thrown to the wolves in a first session. I would like to know how that sounds and if people would be interested in it, if you are, let me know in this topic or trough PMs, I'm a pretty chill person if you'd like to exchange a few ideas, if you're a DM or experienced player seeing this topic feel free to make suggestions as to what could help in this monthly one-shot.
Actually this sounds perfect to me. I have a super inconsistent schedule and literally have never had a real experience with seasoned D&D-ers. I live in a part of the world where it can be difficult to find a group forgiving of newbies as well. How many players are you looking for per group? To clarify, you also mean just setting aside time for one long session, or for multiple sessions but one isolated adventure? I'd also like a bit more details on the general campaign plot themes if possible. I appreciate it so much in advance! I look forward to hearing back!

Edited 1548047490
This sounds fantastic and exactly what I am looking for. I have never played and only recently started watching Critical Role on YouTube which is why I am here, though I have been interested in playing for a long time. I am currently living in Bahrain for work and the weekend here is Thurs and Fri so your choice of days couldn't be any better for me. - Edit: this info is wrong, fir/sat is the weekend. What do I need to do to get invited?

Edited 1547990196
Kayla, this will be a series of one-shots, one per month, so you don't need to worry about showing for multiple sessions fitting your schedule ^^ I'm looking for 5 players at the very most, when it comes to plot themes, it will either be a basic high fantasy story regarding an adventurer's league request, or I'll get fancy if the group wants something different, I'm flexible. I'm glad you're showing interest Dan, Podcasts like critical role are also what got me in so i'm glad it's the same for you man. But unfortunately fridays and thursdays are the two days in which I run my campaigns already, I could make for any day except those two. I might have needed to be more clear but by weekend I meant Saturday/Sunday
What time sat/sun, and what's your locale or time zone? I work odd hours so maybe it might still work.
I never played before, so i would be interested in a one-shot, as Dan asked, what is your timezone, and what time of day were you thinking of playing?
I'm interested I've been wanting to learn for a while now but never had the opportunity. Whats you time zone I'm AEST (Australian eastern std) but I'm on holiday for next few months so i'm pretty flexible.
My timezone is GMT-3 and I'd be up for DMing at most times in sat/sun. I'll add this to the original post for convenience
If it's done on a Sat I could participate and would be very interested in doing so. I'm at GMT+3.
I'm interested in Saturday campaign, I'm GMT-8(PST) but very willing to be involved with a late night(for me) game. I got interested by watching lost initiative, and other tabletop rpg channels. :) 
Awesome, I'll probably start setting up a LFG tomorow and get the first batch of players
This sounds so cool. if you've got any spare spots please hit me up! I'm AEST but heaps willing to do early mornings and late nights
I've made the actual game, those of you who are still interested please apply to it and i'll be getting back to you soon.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Those that do apply please read the description to make sure you know what you're getting into. I'll be starting to choose players to interview next week :D