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Aligning Maps

Salutations! I'm attempting to align a map from Gabriel Pickard's "Save Vs. Cave Necropolis" set. The map's dimensions are 30x30; when aligning the map to the page's grid, the map is resized to 60x60. Aligning a map with the dimensions 15x15 resizes the map to 30x30. Is this intentional? Is there a workaround? 60x60 is very frustrating to manage. Thanks!
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Is your page set to have 1:1 grid or is it set to 0.5? How are you aligning the map, resizing manually or using the align to grid tool?
The grid is 1:1 and I'm using Align to Grid.

Edited 1548982653
I don't own the set in question but I think the tiles are meant to be 2.5 feet wide. If you are aligning single tiles to the grid then I believe you are doubling the size of the image. The dungeon sets work this way.
Huh. Interesting. I always like to aim for one tile per square, so this looks a bit strange to me. Now, one square incorporates four tiles. That can be easily explained; tombs can be elaborate in design, including floors. Thank you!
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gabriel is very good at listing the specific dimension for an asset. Rather than use the align to grid tool (which would require you be pixel perfect) you are best off using the right click>advanced>set dimension option and inputting the unit dimensions in pixels or units (30x30 = 2100x2100 pixels based on the 70 pixel/unit standard measurement). Aaron is correct however that with this set the floor tiles are 2.5' across :)
I'm very picky about allocating one tile to one square, so it initially looked very strange. Setting dimensions didn't help allocate tiles.  Thank you for your help!