I would suggest making use of the character builder (whether you use the downloadable one floating around, or *suggested* having a subscription to the WoTC D&D Insider to make use of the online one). With this you can save your character sheets in an electronic format, and print them if you decide you want something physical in front of you. Once you have that information, creating a Roll20 character sheet is fairly simple. All you need to do is go to the journal tab and add a new character. Click "Edit" and fill out the information on the first page (name, who controls it, who sees it, etc..) and on the attributes and abilities page, you simply add an attribute for each stat you will want to use.. these will include things such as HP, AC, Fortitude, Reflex, Will, and so on. The macros are a little more complicated, but for that you can use this and this . That should be most of what you are looking to do. Finally, the last thing you should need for reference would be your D&D 4e books. There are PDF versions out there floating around, and you should also be able to purchase the beautiful hardcover versions at your local bookstore (and if they don't have them on hand, it is not difficult for them to order them.. they'll be happy to do that for you). The basic ones for a beginner DM would be the Dungeon Master's Guide (and DMG 2 if you want to delve deeper into it), Player's handbook (there's also a PHB 2 out there as well), and the Monster Manual (there are several of these). If you went the route of purchasing a DDI subscription, you'll have access to all of this information through the wizards D&D tools website. Hope that helps. Happy gaming young hero!