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F Player LF Experienced DM for D&D 5th Edition Game Friday Nights (18+)

February 02 (6 years ago)

Edited February 04 (6 years ago)

Hello, everyone; It's Ashley again! There comes a time when I want to work on college, and a time where I want to be rolling some dice and roleplaying. What better to do that with than good old Dungeons and Dragons? You've probably seen many of my earlier ads, both for when I'm DMing and when I'm playing. Let's have a look and find out what this girl is looking for:


What am I looking for?
A D&D 5th Edition campaign for long-term gaming, and 4+ hour D&D sessions.

When am I available? Wednesdays (6:00pm - 2:00am), Fridays (6:00pm - 2:00am)

What Time Zone am I in? Eastern Standard Time.

What Race do I play? Humans only.

What Classes do I play? Clerics [Non-Melee], Wizards, Ranged Fighters (Archers/Arcane Archers), Paladins, and Monks (5E).

What Editions have I played? AD&D 2nd Edition, D&D 3rd Edition, D&D 3.5 Edition, D&D 5th Edition.

How old am I? 26 Years Old

How long have I been playing D&D? 19 years, starting out at age 7 when my Uncle taught me AD&D 2nd Edition with his friends.

What do I not like? Playing with players under the age of 18, or having a DM under the age of 18. Please be 18 years old or over.

What I hate most? Predetermined stats and/or stat buying (I much prefer 4d6-least).

A Little Extra Spice: No Fantasy Grounds platform. I absolutely HATE its layout. It is terrible compared to the beautiful layouts Roll20 has to offer. So Roll20 only please. Also, please be an experienced DM.

Pay To Play: I am accepting of Pay to Play, but the DM needs to show their experience first. I need to know I am getting my value for my money.


- I am a very hardcore D&D player and DM. I have DMed since 2012 and I enjoy it a lot. I have been playing for 19 years, as my uncle taught me at a very young age how to play. By age 9, I was very, very good at AD&D 2nd Edition. I've been gaming ever since. I'm not the prettiest girl in the world (In fact, I look at myself as pretty below standard; not that I am in bad hygiene or anything). I play only Humans, and it's not just in D&D, but also in World of Darkness, Warhammer 40k, Exalted, World of Warcraft, Star Wars, D20 Modern; etc.. I am always Human. Some people have called me a min-maxer type player, but it's not true. I have a theme to all of my characters and I run off of that theme. For example, if it requires damage output, I'll push my damage potential.

- I do enjoy rolling for my stats. I absolutely despise having predetermined stats or stat buying. It takes so much out of D&D. You're there to be different from others, and having the same stats as everyone else makes the overall game seem lazy. D&D is built on a game of chance and luck, so if you get the short end of the stick, that's just how things go sometimes.

- I am most comfortable playing in a group of up to 5 maximum players. Any more than that gets really difficult because too many are talking at the same time and it's hard to roleplay with everyone talking all at once like that. I can do solo games, but I love interacting with group members, so I do enjoy group games more.

- Regarding not playing with people under the age of 18, I will shed some detail on why this is: I have not had any luck whatsoever playing with young players, and with how dark my games get [as a DM], and with how dark I'm sure other DM's games get, I don't want them dumbing down, or PG-ing the game down just for the sake of catering to a child whose mind isn't as focused and mature as ours are. And lastly, I don't feel like dealing with parents (Had this happen one time where the mother snatched one of a teen player's microphone and began berating the group and DM for exposing her child to horrible monsters and blood and gore in such detail. Never... ever... again).

- I am group-friendly, and I know D&D rules, but I do my best not to be a rules lawyer (I'll add my input if people aren't sure about spells or abilities).

- I love a challenge.

- I am also a 65/35 Roleplayer/Combat style player. I hope that's all right, but can fluctuate between 60/40 and 70/30.

- I am a no-limits roleplayer (I roleplay the good, the bad, and the very ugly).

- And last but not least, I am more of a typist-style gamer than voice roleplayer [Meaning I love text games over voice games], but I will do voice campaigns if that is what the DM is offering, as I do have a microphone and webcamera. I'm not picky and I obey the DM's rules.

- You can also see how I GM and how I play as a player on my Youtube Channel (Just search Ashley LGRJ and my icon is the one with the Chandra Nalaar icon as you see here in Roll20), as I livestream my Roll20 games there.


I am looking for a mature DM who can and will challenge me; a DM who isn't afraid to punish me for my mistakes and reward me for my successes. I'm looking for a DM who respects backgrounds and storyline information, applying them to their world to make it fun for both them and me. I am also looking for a DM who isn't going to railroad me. I am also looking for a DM who is over the age of 18, can think big, and create really interesting storylines. I would like to see my DM put us up against challenges that we are NOT SUPPOSED TO defeat yet, that teach us about failure, and when it is time to run. I do not want a DM who always ensures the players are ALWAYS the heroes and wipes everything out. I want a DM who enjoys it when the bad guys win some too. Like I said, challenge me, and I'll strive to be your greatest player.


You can reply to me here on Roll20 and then I will respond by giving you my Discord address. I know that was a lot to read up there, but I hope you enjoyed it, and are accepting of it. If so, I will be honored to play in your world, and hope that we develop a great friendship together OOCly as we progress through the story ICly. I look forward to hearing from you.
February 04 (6 years ago)

I have added Wednesdays to my list of days available. So I am now available Wednesdays and Fridays.