Hi all, I was wondering if someone may be able to answer a Macro question. I play a version of an old game called Bushido and use a macro I wrote for the D20 to hit roll in the game. In Bushido, you basically take the Skill of the character 19 or less plus their level bonus and other bonuses to come up with a positive # than you subtract the AC. Example: A guy with a sword skill of 15 that is level 2 and has a 1 bonus for his good weapon would have an 18 minus the AC of the enemy to hit. You need low on the d20 in Bushido. This is not a problem ... here is my macro. /me Attack @{Weapon_1} was by [[@{Raw_BCS_1}+@{level}+@{Quality_1}+@{Special_Hit_Mod_1}-?{Armor Class|0}+?{Situational Modifer|0} -1d20]] The macro looks on my character sheets and pulls the skill from the Raw BCS adds the level from that attribute, then other modifiers as I mention above. ***The problem is in Bushido is this. In Bushido, you have some attacks that are half the calculated number. So for example: if after all modifiers the attacker would have a 9 to hit ... they would need a 4 or less to hit.(Rounds down) Is there any way I can tell a macro to half the final result and not every time but only when indicated.