I was attempting to add a scroll of clairvoyance to my Roll20 pathfinder character sheet. The compendium has "Clairaudience Clairvoyance" which seems to be the real page, and also "Clairaudience/Clairvoyance" which comes up as "Page Not Found". My character is a bard (level 6). Clairvoyance is a level 3 (bard gains access at level 7) spell, but as a scroll I expected to be able to add it as a "spell-like" ability. The console didn't show any errors, so I am assuming it was dropping the spell in as a 3rd level (invisible on my sheet) spell without bringing up the normal page to ask what spell level to add it under, or as a spell-like ability. Console output when I attempt to add the spell: Compendium item dropped onto target! app.js:542:32645 Drop handled, returning... app.js:553:25712 Really updating character sheet values app.js:542:25671 Foudn a pre-defined key order! app.js:543:24035 Setting up repeating sections took until 110ms app.js:542:27800 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 112ms app.js:542:28973 Querytest took until 119ms app.js:542:29332 Attribute cache compliation took until 124ms app.js:542:29542 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 158ms app.js:542:31809 Took 159ms app.js:542:32253 Really updating character sheet values app.js:542:25671 Foudn a pre-defined key order! app.js:543:24035 Setting up repeating sections took until 118ms app.js:542:27800 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 204ms app.js:542:28973 Querytest took until 210ms app.js:542:29332 Attribute cache compliation took until 214ms app.js:542:29542 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LYIlzcwrARyOmhh-vZv_fromcompendium app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LYIlzcwrARyOmhh-vZv_spelltargets app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LYIlzcwrARyOmhh-vZv_spellsave_fromcompendium app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LYIlzcwrARyOmhh-vZv_spellsave app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LYIlzcwrARyOmhh-vZv_spellresistance_fromcompendium app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LYIlzcwrARyOmhh-vZv_spellresistance app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LIsOBnaI2hvw61en4ss_spelleffect app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LIsPbcGwT4n0K5fA9Sp_spellatkmod app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LIsPbcGwT4n0K5fA9Sp_spelldmg app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LIsPbcGwT4n0K5fA9Sp_spelldmgtype app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellschool app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellclasslevel app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellcastingtime app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellrange app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellarea app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellduration app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellsave_fromcompendium app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellsave app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spelldc_mod app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellresistance_fromcompendium app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LKjK9iiEZzv99IZLv1u_spellresistance app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LTjYMLpA6GWdmONEt6X_spelltargets app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LTjZSmuqJZqui6KlBxa_spellarea app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-like_-LVFruKu2ctmzEEpIzGS_spelltargets app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR pcdrop_name app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR pcdrop_uniq app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR pcdrop_category app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR pcdrop_content app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR pcdrop_data app.js:542:31748 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR repeating_spell-3_-LYIoL8OtjbEpUZdxsXG_spellprepared app.js:542:31748 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 519ms app.js:542:31809 Took 520ms app.js:542:32253 I ended up just filling one in by hand. This is using the Firefox browser, and everything else has been working other than that one spell.