Game: Bunnies & Burrows 3e Light by Frog God Games
Genre: Animal/Nature Fantasy
Starts: February 15, 2019
Frequency: Twice monthly 
Days/Start Times: Fridays, 6:30ish PM Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8)
Number of Players: 3 - 6 (but will run for less if folks are OK with being more proactive and willing to have more limelight)
Newbies: Welcome
Character Generation: Session Zero
Sessions: 4 - 6 (initially a mini-campaign, more sessions if interest is still there)

I'm running a Bunnies & Burrows 3e Light mini-campaign called The Rabbit in Winter. I plan to run a Session Zero (character generation) and 4-6 sessions, starting on Friday, February 15, 6:30 PM Pacific (GMT-8). Subsequent games will occur on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month.

Bunnies & Burrows is a game strongly inpired by Richard Adams' novel Watership Down. In the game, you play a rabbit in a world populated by predators that want to kill you and other dangers. Bunnies & Burrows was originally published in 1976 and went through two editions, as well as a GURPS edition

Frog God Games ran a successful Kickstarter last year for the 3rd edition, and published a Light version of the game (available for free on DrivethruRPG). I'll be using the Light version, supplemented by the 2nd edition of the game.

If you are interested in joining this game, follow the Link to the Game Listing here, where you can apply for the game.

Note: B&B can be very deadly. Fighting is, by far, the last resort for most PC rabbits, since most of the predators that may hunt them are much more capable than they will be. For example, a starting rabbit's hit points is 8 to 10, while a house cat has 25! You have been warned.

Setting Description:

Attend Ye

Rabbits in Winter

Learn well these lessons, else the

Bitter Cold, Hrair elil will bring


Winter has come. With the snows, it brings more danger than most in the Warren have seen before. Besides the threat of freezing to death and starvation, Elil, the enemies of rabbits, also need to feed. Whoa betide a rabbit not prepared!

Broken by the 
crunch of paws on snow,
Don't think it is wind, it is Death by

Those rabbits that have survived one winter teach the others The Rabbit in Winter, a epic poem that instructs as well as entertains. Some say it was composed by El-ahrairah, from what he learned from Frith. Some say it was the Black Rabbit of Inle, as a warning to those who would foolishly squander their lives.

Flayrah sleeps, dreams
of Spring, eat of the cone,
bark, fir needles, shrubs, to survive to 

The Rabbit in Winter instructs the young rabbit what to eat during the winter, where to find food, how to avoid predators, how to parlay with other animals, common winter traps, both natural and Man-made, and more. Interspersed within the poem are humorous anecdotes, rabbit adventures, romances, tricks, great gambles and heady defeats.

Carefully feed
Winter brings many dangers
Hrair elil, be ready to Run
or Trick

One cold winter night, after silfay, snug in the not-too-warm comfort of the Warren common room, among the press of rabbits keeping warm, a storyteller recites The Rabbit in Winter and other stories.

In the lull after the tales, an old rabbit, Nihtscade, breaks the silence and tells a story of his youth -- a log across a stream led to a valley where a strange figure stood silent and unmoving. The valley held amazing things, creatures, dangers but rewards as well, but the biggest reward was granted by the strange figure. The old rabbit stops his tale suddenly, unwilling to talk further nor mention what wish was granted to him by the strange figure.

Snowdrop-rah, the Chief Rabbit of the Warren, is a wily one. He narrows his eyes, seeing an opportunity and quickly leaps at it.

"I propose a wager! My Owsla has been sorely depleted, since Ajax the Fox has come to the Western Copse. I need new officers. Who is brave and tricky enough to go to Nihtscade's valley, seek out this figure and gain a boon from it? Who will survive and bring back a tale worthy of this Warren, and have the merit to join my Owsla?"

The silence after his pronouncement stretches long. Then a murmuring starts among the assembled rabbits. A chance of advancement, a chance of adventure!

Snowdrop stands and says "Those who wish to take the wager, meet here after silfay two days hence and receive my blessings and the blessings of Frith and El-ahrairah for your journey." As he leaves the common room, the silence is only broken by Nihtscade's gentle weeping.

Fleet, hunted
Jumping, haring, running
Ever so eared

The Rabbit in Winter: A Bunnies & Burrows Tale is a short rabbit campaign using the Bunnies & Burrows rules published by Frog God Games with some additional rules cribbed from Bunnies & Burrows 2nd edition by Fantasy Games Unlimited. The game will have a Session Zero (character creation) as well as 4-6 sessions. Sessions will be on the First and Third Friday of the month, at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8).