Need 1 for on-going Jade Regent AP (Pathfinder). Game is weekly on Fridays at 7pm EST.
Group is about to finish 2nd module of AP. Starting level will be 7. Normal starting gold for that level. New players are welcome. I enjoy helping people learn and an AP is a good environment for that.
Group consists of: Fighter, Ninja, Cleric, Wizard. Very well balanced by design.
Need: Utility class. Some classes do not lend themselves to this campaign. No gunslingers - because there are no guns. No Cavaliers or Samurai unless you opt out of the mount via archetype (really no instances where you'll be using a mount in combat).
Only Paizo classes/races are legal EXCEPT Soulknife from Dreamscarred press (Psionics) which is legal.
25-point buy with option to roll 4d6d1 for chance at better stats.
2 traits.
Any non-enemy race up to 13RP (no orcs, kobolds, etc...)
Alternate racial traits are ok.
Throw a sheet together on mythweavers and I'll take a look. I'm final arbiter on starting magic items. Don't want you coming in with TOO much magic equipment and overshadow the group.
Need 1 for on-going Jade Regent AP (Pathfinder). Game is weekly on Fridays at 7pm EST.
Group is about to finish 2nd module of AP. Starting level will be 7. Normal starting gold for that level. New players are welcome. I enjoy helping people learn and an AP is a good environment for that.
Group consists of: Fighter, Ninja, Cleric, Wizard. Very well balanced by design.
Need: Utility class. Some classes do not lend themselves to this campaign. No gunslingers - because there are no guns. No Cavaliers or Samurai unless you opt out of the mount via archetype (really no instances where you'll be using a mount in combat).
Only Paizo classes/races are legal EXCEPT Soulknife from Dreamscarred press (Psionics) which is legal.
25-point buy with option to roll 4d6d1 for chance at better stats.
2 traits.
Any non-enemy race up to 13RP (no orcs, kobolds, etc...)
Alternate racial traits are ok.
Throw a sheet together on mythweavers and I'll take a look. I'm final arbiter on starting magic items. Don't want you coming in with TOO much magic equipment and overshadow the group.