Ok, so I know there are numerous threads about roll20 pricing / having to pay for content twice etc. I also understand roll20 provides considerable additional value with their drag and drop content (eg monsters manual). But those caveats aside, it seems to me roll20 are still missing an enormous opportunity to generate additional revenue. Here’s an example: I recently toyed with purchasing Mordenkainen’s ToFs. I personally prefer the format of D&D Beyond (and already have most of my library there) but like the the additional roll20 content. I’m unwilling to pay twice. I decided having the manual in Beyond was more important to me than the additional content so roll20 lost out on the sale. If, however, roll20 offered a purchase option for the additional content only at a reduced price (eg the drag and drop tokens/ stat blocks but not the actual bumpf from the text) I would definitely have purchased that additional content as well. This is not too dissimilar to how Beyond offers the monsters only purchase option. Sure, I get many like the roll20 compendium (not me personally but that’s cool) and I get roll20 ideally want you to purchase the whole text, but there is an entire market for those who simply wont do that but would be willing to buy something. This could easily generate additional revenue (eg currently I won’t buy texts from roll20 but would certainly buy a lot of content in this format). It would also be in WotC interest, since they’d get additional revenue from the purchase. It’s a win-win-win. I rather suspect there are many people who have already purchased in D&D Beyond / hardcopy would be willing to buy a tokens add on. Any way, food for thought. Hope it helps.