Automated Character Sheet Internationalizer (ACSI) is a simple program to place 'i18n'-language tags into existing HTML character sheets. The aim is to automate large parts of the currently manual process of introducing i18n
-tags to existing character sheets, and lower the bar for translating character sheets.
At it's current state, ACSI V0.2 can only create i18n-tags for the more uniform and normally structured sheets that doesn't contain many line-breaks or special characters, and have already had already saved some time for recently translated sheets like Cyberpunk 2020 and OtE2E. The tagnames it autogenerates are just a shortened version of the shown text, so all won't be perfect from the getgo but will certanly serve a good basis to work on further.
ACSI written in C, and have some unix commands sprinkled within, so it needs to be run in a linux enviroment to work. It's a horrible hackjob, and C is not the ideal language to do textmanipulations with, but it have already saved time for others doing this work.
For those interested in trying it out or helping to improve it: ACSI at GitHub