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CS Translation Automation Tool (ACSI V.0.2)

February 18 (6 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Automated Character Sheet Internationalizer (ACSI) is a simple program to place 'i18n'-language tags into existing HTML character sheets. The aim is to automate large parts of the currently manual process of introducing i18n-tags to existing character sheets, and lower the bar for translating character sheets.

At it's current state, ACSI V0.2 can only create i18n-tags for the more uniform and normally structured sheets that doesn't contain many line-breaks or special characters, and have already had already saved some time for recently translated sheets like Cyberpunk 2020 and  OtE2E. The tagnames it autogenerates are just a shortened version of the shown text, so all won't be perfect from the getgo but will certanly serve a good basis to work on further.

ACSI written in C, and have some unix commands sprinkled within, so it needs to be run in a linux enviroment to work. It's a horrible hackjob, and C is not the ideal language to do textmanipulations with, but it have already saved time for others doing this work.

For those interested in trying it out or helping to improve it: ACSI at GitHub

February 18 (6 years ago)

Edited February 18 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

This can be a real boon for sheet authors to help get the initial localization process off the ground.  Thanks for sharing theis Andreas.  It definitely saved me hours on the Cyberpunk 2020 sheet. 

I am not a programmer and wouldn't have a clue how to setup an environment to run your program via Linux OS.  Not sure if this is possible, but I would love to see this ported over to run directly from within the browser's command console.  Similar to the i18nOutput option available now.  I assume this would require some assistance from the roll20 Devs?

February 18 (6 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Vince said:

Not sure if this is possible, but I would love to see this ported over to run directly from within the browser's command console.  Similar to the i18nOutput option available now.  I assume this would require some assistance from the roll20 Devs?

Something like that sure would be cool but I have no idea how feasable that is. Recreating the i18nOutput option for translation.json is one of the things down the line I was thinking to recreate. Might help with looking/editing the autogenerated tags.

February 20 (6 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

ACSI updated to V0.31, and now the repository includes a .deb install file for Linux users.

February 20 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Is it a linux only program?

February 20 (6 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

GiGs said:

Is it a linux only program?

For now. ACSI have very little that makes it rely on Linux and is at the core a simple c program, so somewhere down the line I might take a look at compiling Windows and MacOS versions. But will primarily focus on improving the core functions before going down those lines. I'll make updates here on the forums when I hit major updates 

Please give it a star on GitHub if the project is nice. :D 

February 20 (6 years ago)

Edited February 20 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

A string processing program in C?

You like pain, don't you :P? Anyway, nice work.

February 20 (6 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Jakob said:

A string processing program in C?

You like pain, don't you :P? Anyway, nice work.

No pain no gain. :D

But really, it started as modification on a C/Unix program I did for a course, and now it it works well enought that I'm not too inclined to rewrite it with something else(and besides C is my strongest programming langauge atm). It's been a good learning experience so who knows what I'll do to improve on it later. If someone figures to write some better parsing functions in another language, I'll look into how to incorporate that into ACSI.

April 18 (5 years ago)

Edited April 18 (5 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

ACSI is updated to V0.33 now, and so is the .deb install package.

V0.33 (2019-04-18)

  • removed malfunctioning functions that were searching for rolltemplate and script sections. It's better to remove those sections from the code before running ACSI than working with the somewhat unreliable V0.32

Nemesis and Forbidden Lands are the two most recent sheets that made use of ACSI to make translations available.

If anyone wants help with making translations available for new sheets, just PM me and I'll see what ACSI produces. (Nobody have yet to manage/dared to installl/run the ACSI by themselves, be the first and I'll be happy)

(If possible, could a mod rename the thread to "Automation tool for Character Sheet Translations" or something? I realized the current title isn't too great)

April 18 (5 years ago)
Sheet Author


Thanks Andreas.  ;-)

April 19 (5 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Andreas J. said:

If anyone wants help with making translations available for new sheets, just PM me and I'll see what ACSI produces. (Nobody have yet to manage/dared to installl/run the ACSI by themselves, be the first and I'll be happy)

I'd love to install it but I dont have access to the right OS. 

May 15 (5 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

ACSI V0.50 (2019-05-15)

  • doesn't break html tags as often while creating the new file, some reason was due to poor transcribing by savetxt() function in some unusual linebreaks and unexpected characters
  • can optionally generate the .json translation file alongside creating the translated version of the sheet
  • doesn't any longer attempt to ignore html comments, sheetworkers and rolltemplates as the implementation did more harm than good. The advice is to strip the html file from rolltemplates and sheetworkers before being used with ACSI
  • minor code cleanup
