Hello everyone ! I'm testing new features in my game and I'm want to automate some stuff. I have 2 questions and I hope you can help : 1. Is there a possibility in a Roll Query to have a result with paragraph ? 2 . My players have different states (normal, injured, critical condition) and many rolls change depending of this state. So each player has attributes for each states of all 15 skills -> Attack1, Attack2, Attack3, Defend1, Defend2, Defend3, ... Now, players chose with a Roll Queries in wich state he want to roll dices, by clicking on the player button of the skill at the top. But if it's possible, I want to set a "state" attribut for them to be able to put a "1","2" or "3" so they could have the possibility to change "states" automaticaly for all roll. Something like this : Exemple : Attribut : state = 1 (that I can change quickly, for all skills, with 2 or 3) Attack1=5 Attack2=4 Attack3=3 Defend1=4 Defend2=3 Defend3=2 Ability : Your attack do /roll 1d4+@{Attack@{state}} damage ! Your defend yourself from /roll 1d2+@{Attack@{state}} damage ! But, unfortunatly, that didn't work at all. I thought about that too, but I don't like this alternative. Exemple : Attribut : Attack = Att1 (but I can't quickly change 15 skills, especially if 2 or 3 of my players change theirs state at the same time during a combat) Defend = Def1 Att1=5 Att2=4 Att3=3 Def1=4 Def2=3 Ded3=2 Ability : Your attack do /roll 1d4+@{Attack} damage ! Your defend yourself from /roll 1d2+@{Defend} damage ! Have you any ideas on how I could achieve this propely ? Thanks a lot !