Me in a nutshell I'm a storyteller and I love the hobby. The first system I ran was AD&D 2E. I'm burned out on D&D. I've ran a lot of different systems. I really don't have a setting preference. Fantasy, Sci-fi, modern, it's all fun to me. I don't like modules and prefer to create my own campaigns. My style is that I usually rule in favor of the story as opposed to the rulebook. Video and Voice are requirements for my games. I don't run one-shots. I run long running campaigns. On average they tend to last 6 months or more as long as the group is still feeling it. I strongly believe that we tell a story together. It's like, I'm not writing a book and you are the characters. We're writing the book together and I'm the editor. I'll pay for my own books and roll20 account but it's still nice to get presents once in a while :) And by "anything" I mean, I've got to look at the system and decide if I really want to run it. I'm not going to run F.A.T.A.L . and the like. My availability I'm in the PST timezone. Weekly : Any day Mon thru Thursday for 1.5 hour sessions. From 6 to 730 pm, 7 to 830 pm, or 8 to 930 pm. Sometimes If I have something else going on I'll try to schedule for a different day of the week. Bi-weekly : Any day Mon thru Thursday for 2.5 hour sessions. From 6 to 830 pm, or 7 to 930 pm. Same scheduling as above. Monthly : Friday evening from 7pm to midnight. You in a nutshell You have a couple friends who really want to try out "X" system. You have no friends and really want to try out "X" system. You'll need to help me recruit other players. You like to party on and be excellent to each other.