Hi I have installed the companion api, which let me use the ammunition when making an attack from the sheet (using d&d 5e by roll 20). But since I try to use macros more and more, to speed up the combat and to use special abilities like smite and so. But can I via the companion API spent the ressources from the sheet. For instance here is the macro I use for Lay on Hands &{template:atkdmg} {{normal=1}} {{mod=on ***@{target|token_name} ***}} {{rname=LAY ON HANDS }} {{attack=1}} {{r1=[[?{Number of points to Heal|@{repeating_resource_$1_resource_left}}]]}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1=[[@{repeating_resource_$1_resource_left}-?{Number of points to Heal}]]}} {{dmg1type=points left}} {{desc=You can spend 5 HP's to Cure one Disease, or Neutralize one Poison, each round.}} @{charname_output} But when I check the sheet afterwards it still shows the maximum, it hasn't spent any, even though it does write the lower number. Is there a way to let it reduce the ressource. Do I need to instal another API, like the one called AMMO too? Because I am also trying to work on a macro for Smite, which work so far with the damage, but I still manually have to spent the spell-slot I hope it makes sense, and look forward to any help. Kim