Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have a hyperlink embedded in the text of a character sheet?
If so, how?
Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have a hyperlink embedded in the text of a character sheet?
If so, how?
Thanks in advance.
I think that's disabled last time I tried, but iirc you could have a roll button that outputs a functioning hyperlink in the chat.
Ok...I need to clarify what I'm talking about...I want to have hyperlinks embedded within the formatted text of the sheet.
For example...where I have a characteristic called "Strength", I want the word "Strength" to be hyperlinked to my journal which defines how the characteristic works in the game rules.
I hope I am making sense...
Ray said:
Ok...I need to clarify what I'm talking about...I want to have hyperlinks embedded within the formatted text of the sheet.
For example...where I have a characteristic called "Strength", I want the word "Strength" to be hyperlinked to my journal which defines how the characteristic works in the game rules.
I hope I am making sense...
Yes, which is what Andreas was talking about. It's not possible, but the work around that the community uses, and Andreas summarized, is to output a link to chat via a roll button that the user can click.
Not from the sheet directly, but try making your text on the sheet into a button which sends hypertext to chat, where you could click on it.
Style the button to hide that it's a button.
<button type="roll" name="roll_url_strength" class="sheet-hyperlink" value="[Google](http://www.google.com)"> Strength </button>