Hi I trying to work on a macro for an attack, where the character have multiple option there can effect the to hit and damage. It does more or less work, but I run into to a couple of things, I would rather have, than this, for instance I like to see the number of dice rolled even for a critical hit, and I would prefer that the second damage only show up if the character choose to use an enchanted bowstring. Here is the macro I work on, the highlighted parts are where it doesn¨t seem to work as intended &{template:atkdmg} {{mod= +[[ @{dexterity_mod}[DEX]+@{pb}[Prof]+1[magic]+2[Misc]-?{Use Sharpshooter?|Yes,5|No,0}[Misc]]] }} {{rname=Longbow +1}} {{r1=[[1d20cs>20 +[[ @{dexterity_mod}[DEX]+@{pb}[Prof]+1[magic]+2[Misc]-?{Use Sharpshooter?|Yes,5|No,0}[Misc]]] ]]}} @{advantagetoggle}cs>20 +[[ @{dexterity_mod}[DEX]+@{pb}[Prof]+1[magic]+2[Misc]-?{Use Sharpshooter?|Yes,5|No,0}[Misc]]] ]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=150/600 ft.}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d8+[[?{Sneak Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(ceil(@{multiclass1_lvl}/2))]]d6+?{Hunter's Mark?|Yes,1|No,0}d6 +[[ @{dexterity_mod}[DEX]+1[Magic]+2*?{Use Sharpshooter?|Yes,5|No,0}[Misc] ]]]] }} {{dmg1type=piercing}} {{dmg2flag= ?{enchanted bowstring|No,0|Yes,1} }} {{dmg2=[[?{enchanted bowstring|No,0|Yes,1}d10]]}} {{dmg2type=?{String-type|Normal, |Blazing,fire|Freezing,cold|Lightning,lightning}}} {{crit1= [[[[1d8+?{Sneak Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(ceil(@{multiclass1_lvl}/2))d6+?{Hunter's Mark?|Yes,1|No,0}d6 ]]]] }} {{crit2=[[?{enchanted bowstring|No,0|Yes,1}d10]]}} {{desc=**@{selected|character_name}** ***attacking*** **@{target|token_name}** with her Longbow +1}} The problem with dmg2flag is that if I select no, then the answer probably should be blank, so it won't include damage 2 at all, but is that even possible. The problem with the crit is that if I copy down from the normal damage output and remove the non-dice part, then it doesn't roll the damage but just write the text. [[1d8+[[?{Sneak
Mark?|Yes,1|No,0}d6 ]], so not completely sure what I do wrong, since it works with the normal damage. I am using the roll20 sheet for dnd 5e. Hope it makes sense, and looking forward to any help I can get.