The group I am running is currently in need of one, maybe two, more players to join them. We are running the Carrion Crown adventure path for the Pathfinder system and we are at the end of the second book, about to start the third book. We play on Sundays at 5pm EST. The time the group ends is up to the players but we've typically been ending at 10 or 11pm. The group currently has a Human Inquisitor, Half-Elf Barbarian, Halfling Bard, and an Aasimar Paladin. We lost a Gnome Sorcerer today so if someone was to play a Wizard or a Sorcerer I'm sure the group would appreciate it but it is by no means required in order to join. I'm looking for someone who has some experience with the system so that they can make a character and jump right in. We also already have someone that is completely new to Pathfinder, and D20 RPGs, to begin with and I think that adding someone who is completely new will slow the game down too much. The group is much more focused on combat than role-playing so if you're looking for something with a better balance then this won't be the group for you. That's not to say that the group doesn't do any RP but that they are definitely more at home in combat situations. I'm also looking into submitting our sessions to PFS so that anyone who is a part of PFS will get credit for playing in these sessions. **Character Creation Guidelines** * Level 6 * 20 point buy * Any Paizo content is permitted * No third party content * Any race/class combination is fine * Two traits * Starting gold will be discussed * A character background for your personal use is encouraged though I do not require it * No evil alignments and chaotic neutral is strongly discouraged