I'm not sure if this sheet is still maintained or not, I see there isn't an active thread for it, so I am assuming the later, all the same I'd like to report a strange bug that appeared recently, affecting both me and several other people in my weekly game. When we click the number next to our basic or advanced skills, no prompt appears, no matter how many times we click. We tried making a new sheet, refreshing roll20, and our browsers too (Firefox for me, unsure about them) and nothing worked to make the prompt appear so we could actually roll them. Repeating sections for weapons and characteristic rolls still seem to work just fine though, and it also didn't affect our Game Master who could roll from our sheets just fine. If someone could look at the code to see if the issues lies there I would be greatly appreciative. EDIT: Looks like Firefox may be to blame, as Google Chrome has no such issues, still would love to know why this is happening and how to fix it though.