"We brought it upon ourselves..." --- Priest upon eyeing the Rift.
Heaven's Descent is a campaign focusing on the region of Greos, a region which has known much turmoil in the past, but nothing like what it is about to face. Six months ago, an event, called "the Shriek" shook the world, and many theorize what it meant. However, with the events to follow, most agree that it was the scream of a dying god...
For the next 5 months, Clerics was unable to channel their abilities, or even use magic. They felt disconnected to the Maker, God of the world. Then, in a blaze of green fire, a rift in the sky opened above the Sovereign Sea, at the northern edge of the Kingdom of Sol Veridun.
Fiery rocks fell from the sky, causing untold damage to the coastline , while killing off marine life within the waters below. Then, from the ashes of these rocks, rose beings of many shapes and sizes. They claimed to be the Maker's Firstborn, the Angels, and told of the passing of a God in the hands of mortals and the coming judgement.
But that is not all. As the rift opened, Clerics, albeit still feeling a loss of connection to the divine, is able to perform magic once more, and just in time. All around Greos, the dead are rising from their grave, restless and violent, and some say even darker things lurk within the shadows...
- Start level: 1
- Equipment: Class + Background
- Ability Scores: Ability Drafting method
- PHB races only (some exceptions can be made)
- No Dragonborn or Tieflings
- No Warlocks
- Milestone Leveling