The basic formula for wounds is netDamage / 4, rounded down (in Savage Worlds). That's an easy: /r floor( ?{net damage|5} /4) BUT, if net damage is <= 3 and the target is shaken, then it should be 1 wound. Can someone help me write a formula that prompts for net damage and shaken status? I know how to prompt for Shaken, but can't figure the math. If it helps, isShaken is a character sheet attribute. This macro will still be useful even if it's only possible for characters and not general purpose. ?{Shaken|No,0|Yes,1} Net Damage Shaken =Wounds 3 No 0 3 Yes 1 4 No 1 4 Yes 1 5 No 1 5 Yes 1 8 No 2 8 Yes 2 Maybe this isn't possible without the API... but it feels like it could be. Thanks in advance!