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Unisystem Sheet -Cj Carellas Witchcraft Rpg

I see theres a AFMBE sheet for Unisystem. Could we possibly get a Sheet Compatible with Witchcraft  and Armageddon..?
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
Character sheets are made by the community, so if there's someone willing to tackle it...
Considering we Have All Flesh Must Be Eaten. and Buffy it can be done only thing is they are 2 different systems one is Classic Unisystem  the other Is Cinematic. if i had any idea how i would do it. but i cant
Well, aside from a bit of coding skill, it also requires a Pro account to be able to edit or create new character sheets.  Hopefully a sheet author will spot this and be interested, but don't be afraid of reaching out to the author of the AFMBE or Buffy sheets to ask them if they'd give it a stab.
how do i find them. they arent listed in the sheets bio

Edited 1557434948
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
The author was CPP (Coal Powered Puppet). If you go to Roll20's GitHub , find the sheet you want to know who the author is and look at the sheet.json file, you'll see something like this: { &nbsp; &nbsp; "html": "All Flesh Must Be Eaten.html", &nbsp; &nbsp; "css": "All Flesh Must Be Eaten.css", &nbsp; &nbsp; "authors": "John W., with influnce from Vince", &nbsp; &nbsp; "roll20userid": " 492849 ", &nbsp; &nbsp; "preview": "All Flesh Must Be Eaten.png", &nbsp; &nbsp; "instructions": "# Character Sheet\r## Whole Sheet:\rIn order for the font to show up correctly in Chrome, you will have to *load unsafe scripts* using the gray sheild in the address bar of the browser. \r ## Character tab\r Primary attribute names are buttons, rolling 1d10 plus twice the attribute. &nbsp;The Difficult button rolls 1d10 plus just the attribute.\r ## Skills and Powers tab:\rThe roll button rolls 1d10 plus skill ratingm plus the attribute selected in the dropdown menu. \r ## CombatTab:\rThe roll button rolls a 1d10, plus the listed skill rating as well as t he damage. &nbsp;Damage is listed as the dice that is rolled and a multplier. &nbsp;When the Melee checkbox is checked, it adds strength, and checking both the melee checkox and the two-handed checkbox adds strength plus one.\r##Possessions Tab:\rA place to list the gear you gathered..\r. ## Notes:/rPlaces to store information you have gathered while running from the walking dead" } Once you know the R20 User ID, just append it to the end of this URL:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That'll get to the author's R20 profile... EDIT: Just be aware, that we don't always have time to take on new projects (and sometimes no energy, even if we have time)...but it never hurts to ask; just don't be disappointed if the answer is, "Sorry, can't right now...". :)