Hello there, folks! Based on a few encounters that were ultimately...a flop, to be nice about it, I've deduced one underlying problem: how can you play an enemy force that, while weak by themselves are numerically superior? My players have had no trouble dealing with 3 minotaurs but had so much trouble fighting a lich who led an army of 12 level 4 skeletons. Of course there should be battles like such, given how heroes must often face insurmountable odds, but I've always found that the CR rating for the most parts works only for enemies that are fewer much less it is for enemies that come en masse. Also, the other problem I've had is just how long turn orders went, easily sapping the enthusiasm of my players in that run through. I really don't want to 'just' stop using numerically superior enemies (Given how I really look forward to planning a rather large skirmish as well) but at the same time, I'm rather stumped as to how I should go about these kinds of battles so as to not drain away the energies of my players. Any advice? Hints? Personal stories? Thanks! Note: I am playing Pathfinder and most of these batles are taking place around the levels of 1-7. I feel rather homely in low-level campaigns.