Topher said: It would be nice... I font like paying $100.00 for the new Salt March if I want to run it on ROLL 20 and have the book. It would be nice if there was a code when you bought the hard cover book for a discount on Roll 20 version. There's many reasons why this would be nice for users, and many reasons why it will probably never happen (eg. Roll20 is not the only licensed VTT that WotC works with). At the end of the day you need to make a choice as to whether you need both the book and the Roll20 module. There's nothing stopping you from transcribing a module into Roll20 (other than perhaps your time), and conversely, nothing to stop you using Roll20 as your source at a in-person D&D game. Here's some previous discussions on this topic: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (you can google for more if it interests you) It's just one of the truths about this hobby that you have to accept. The quality of the Roll20 modules is generally worth it IMO.