Like many games, Infinity grants characters unique talents that are relevant only for certain skills. I'm trying to append a function to my dice rolling script that prints Talents below the roll results. The sheet conveniently has fields in the Talents section that contain only the relevant skill - ergo there are 3 attributes related to each Talent:
attr_ATallent_Name1, attr_ATallent_Skill1, attr_ATallentt_Effect1
And so on for each in the table. Handily, one of the arguments I submit to the script should always equal the "attr_Atalent_Skill#".
!inf dice [[diceroll]] skillname @{selected|character_id} etc. parses in as
const args = msg.content.split(/\s+/);
let c = getObj('character',args[3]);
// verify we got a character
// get the character's focus attribute, or assume a focus of -1
let name = getAttrByName(c.id, "character_name");
let npc = getAttrByName(c.id, "npc_options-flag");
const skill = args[2];
So theoretically, there should be a way to get all entries with ATalent_Skill attributes that match the skill constant, then output their ATalent_Name and ATalent_Effect.
But I have no idea how to write that. Any tips would be appreciated!