Trying to use token-mod for a heal spell. I've got the spell working pretty well, where the character can select a target selects the amount of mana they want to use, which depending on the mana used heals for a specific d6 amount, and then sends an emote to chat that the heal has occurred, but does not output the inline roll value to the chat. Just the emote, if the emote is gone, it inputs a blank message. Is there a way to get the value of the d6 to be stated in chat? !token-mod --set bar3_value|-?{How much mana?|1|2|3},@{Mage|character_id|bar3} --ids @{Mage|character_id} !token-mod --set bar1_value|[[@{target|Target|bar1}+ ?{Mana used|1|2|3}d6, @{target|Target|bar1|Max}d1}kl1}]] --ids @{target|Target|token_id} /em Heals @{target|Target|token_name}