Hello everyone, I am looking to add 3 players to a game. I plan to start GM’ing a biweekly game of A’ier on roll20. I am hoping to set up a game that will last about 10 sessions (4-6 months) and take the character’s along a standard off the farm plot line and lead to something larger. The setting will be a Post Apocalypse Fantasy setting. Imagine it as a mash up between Mad Max and Forgotten Realms. Not as over the top as Rifts, but you can still expect to see technology and magic playing side by side in every adventure. Anyone interested? If the game clicks we would obviously have the ability to keep on playing but my current outline should be about 10 x 4 hour sessions. What: Post Apocalypse Fantasy System: A'ier Role Playing Game Style: Rules light trait based narrative Time: The first session will be April 11 th 2014 and be played from ~5:30 pm pacific time until ~10 pm. Frequency: Biweekly. My personal style as a GM is rules light and about 75% sand box. I have planned encounters and will set up maps for those situations, however I do not use maps for most encounters or the full power of roll20.net . Expectations: I will expect the players to read the forums prior to the game starting on Friday nights. I will also expect the players to be able to connect through roll20 with the ability to share audio (video is a plus). Facial expressions and tone of voice can go a long way to communication and add to the role playing experience in my opinion. The Bad Side: I expect the April 11th session to be primarily getting to know each other and making the characters and perhaps only a couple of hours of play. So it is most likely the first full session will be April 25th. The system we are using is pre-publication right now, and while you as a player will receive a PDF copy the core documents are currently in the editor's hands and some clarity will come back.