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Transferring Character from One Campaign Causes Issues

One of the campaigns I run has a central room and then secondary rooms where GMs can run their stuff. This is done to have a multi-GM setup and not clog up a main room while one game is going on (so others can still use it). Furthermore, all sheets are stored in the Central Room. When using either the Transmog or Character Vault to transfer sheets into another room from the main room only, an odd bug is encountered. Trying to grant some of these sheets to people sometimes causes the sheet to just not register the changes. The sheet does not reopen after pressing "Save Changes" and the person does not have access to them. Adding in a new character sheet forces it to reload and now displays as if the sheet has been granted access, but still does not. Editing and saving a second time causes this to be fixed (only after adding in a new sheet to force it to reload). This is consistent and can be reproduced at least 2-3 times in a group of 4-5 sheets but only in this campaign. The sheets are the Open Legend (non minimalist) one. It isn't game breaking, but it is extremely frustrating to have to deal with.
We're sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with this. Please carefully work through to the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues: Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser            - Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20            - Please disable all add-ons/extensions. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, thoroughly work through Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
I've done steps 1 to 3 already and it is happening to people on many different setups, so the exact settings of my computer aren't to blame (and they've also done steps 1 to 3 already). Again, this issue only seems to occur when transferring sheets from this one room to another and then trying to give access. But to begin answering step 4: Chrome version 74.0.3729.169 (Official Build) (64-bit) and the most recent firefox update as of 5/29 (I'm not at home to give the specific version of Firefox I use only that I forced reinstall and update on that day) Windows 10 (On both comps I use) Javascript is allowed on both (checked to be sure) My laptop tablet (Surface Pro) just uses Windows defense (turning it on or off makes no difference). Desktop uses Kapersky (I've tried using it disabled, issue still persists). uBlock Origin (Disabled or Enabled makes no difference), Darkmode (enabled or disabled makes no difference), and Privacy Badger (enabled or disabled makes no difference). Currently, all are disabled as I type this. Full Log Here. Steps I did: Open a second room (not the one with the issue) with all extensions disabled except Darkmode (set not active on the site). Open Settings tab Open Transmoggrifier (or however you spell it) Select the campaign which holds the sheets (the one with the issue) to transfer to this room Drag one sheet made in the problem room to the second room Attempt to give access to the sheet (failed) Create a new sheet to refresh the sheet Once again give access to the sheet (this time works)
Hello TrinitysEnd, Thank you for that information. The TS steps that were given are to help us isolate any potential issues that can occur. It also gives us a baseline to start with and collect information. As such, that is why we requested that information. To be able to assist you with the correct campaigns, can you please provide us the names of the campaigns you are using and having this issue in? Additionally, I have gone ahead and passed this information along to the devs. They will just need the information I have requested. Thanks! 
The campaign in question that seems to stem the issues is Seyaria Living Campaign. The secondary campaigns connected to it all begin "SLC -" So SLC - Trinity's Triple Threat, SLC - Narrator Trial, SLC - Tober's Dam Room.
Hello again TrinitysEnd, Thanks you for this information. As soon as the devs have more information, we will let you know. Thanks!
Thanks for bringing it to their attention! I'll just keep waiting patiently. Like I mentioned, it is mostly a nuisance.
Hi TrinitysEnd, Are you able to replicate this behavior in a new set of rooms? i.e. make a new container room and a new playing room and see if you are running into the assign issue there? This will help narrow down if it is just one game in particular or perhaps an issue with the tool
I haven't tried making a new room yet, but rooms I've made after that room don't seem to be affected (at least transferring two sheets made in the room designated SLC - Tober's Dam Room to the room Trinity's Triple Threat did not cause this issue to pop up). When I get a chance, I'll make a new room and see if it can't be replicated that way as well.
Just tested it in a new room with no issue, likely an issue with the one room.