Here’s another situation where I grasp the general idea, but I’m not sure how to write my particular idea. Trying to add an extra bit of functionality and flair to my comprehensive attack/ damage roll. A new field on the sheet now contains the FX attribute, so that each repeating weapon can have its own paired FX. I want to have the unique weapon fx go off between attacker and target when that weapon goes through the script. From what I understand you must use the " spawnFxBetweenPoints(point1, point2, type, pageid)" function to do this once you go through the API? If so, how can I substitute the target and character token ids for point1, point2, and the custom fx variable for type? I guess it would be something where you get the left and top properties of the target and character tokens, right? My test script uses 3 arguments sent by an ability button: @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} @{weapon_fx_rep} which become: const ctoken = args[1]; const ttoken = args[2]; const fx = args[3]; NOTE: The full script does grab character ids for the target and caster. If there’s a way to get the location info from the default token object I suppose that can work too, but I’d need some guidance on that too. Thanks!