@Vince- Yes, this is my current method of doing so. I currently have the character or effect hidden, and are added to the initiative prior to everyone else and then adjusted afterwards, and I know it's a small thing, but I'm running the AGE system, and it usually involves rolling + modifiers, so sometimes the new character usually comes in at a specific round count but others are introduced on the spot. Thus, something I like rolling in game, and anything that makes calculations in combat that much quicker is always appreciated, so automation with a macro or in the api for that bit would be a nice feature. @Aaron- My thoughts, and obviously I'm sure there are possibly strong preferences to sorting, but I would suggest the front of the list in your example. Considering that if this character or effect is in essence entering mid initiative and order is calculated consecutively, the turn order is just counting down from highest initiative, and checking for the lower number immediately after the last number is recognized. So, after the 14 init player goes, it's like it's checking for 13,12, and 11 but skipping them because they aren't there. I feel as if that way its easier for the GM to resolve their own preference whether the GM wants the the new player to actually act before or after the 10 init player, it would arguably be easier for the GM to advance past the new players turn for the latter preference, than for the GM to reverse the turn, or advance the entire round to give the new player a chance to act in the former preference.