Hello! We are a group of three long time friend looking to start a homebrew DND game- weekly every Saturday night at 10pm-2am CST. About us- we are “almost” life long RPGers who have played many systems! Including Hero System, D&D, Deadlands, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, Star Finder, Cathulu, Warhammer Fant-40-Heresy(lots of them), Shadowrun, and many more! What we are looking for- interesting new players who are competent and will meaningfully add to our game night :). Our game night is more than a get together with strangers to mimic a pen and pencil Video game- hacking and slashing imaginary things with boring strangers. We seek to actively enjoy the hobby- and we are looking to create this kind of friendship with some online strangers. We’ve created friendships with people- meeting weekly to game- thats lasted more than 7 years. Online best friends. I want to add to that list. If that sounds like something your looking for- post below. We are looking for at least 3 players to play a brand new (ground zero) campaign setting we’ve been working on for a while. Specifically- bonus points for these traits- funny (one of us is a improv comedian and wit is greatly desired), creative (DM who are never players- here’s your chance), and reliable (commitment goes a long way to creating friendships- missing games and ghosting- sucks.) Post below that your interested! PM me and tell me about yourself. I would like to speak to you on discord before this Saturday to create characters, get to know you, ect... I am home each night this week. If you post below- don’t feel bad if your not the fastest to post- I still want to talk to you. Thank you for reading this long post.