So, I've done some googling, but like many things with the API, a good answer is hard to find. What I want to do, is allow a DM to customize the random encounter script i've been writing in the following ways: - The number/names of the times that encounters happen (for instance, the base rules that I am building off of, has 6 phases of the day during which an encounter could happen), However, if the DM wants to have 3 phases, I want to try to support that. - Secondly, I want the DM to be able to use their own encounter types, and names of tables. The system this is based on has 6 encounter types, but only 3 tables of encounter prompts (hostile covers 3 separate escalation points) So far I've got two possible ideas for how this could work. One of which I'm 95% positive will work, but has it's drawbacks, a second one, i'm not so sure if it will work at all, and a third one, that while doable, is not my preferred approach, at all. Option 1: Almost positive i can do it: So, my first thought was to create a handout specifically for config, that would hold my existing information (as a guide for how it needs to be formatted) and basically do a format style within that document for the customization The downside I see to this is it forces a handout on the DM that may not be desired, or could be deleted, without knowing what it's there for. Option 2: Less Mess, but more Trouble? The second option, that I honestly have no idea would even work within the framework of roll20, is to create a separate API file, but instead of making it a .js, making it a .txt and importing/including or something similar in the main script. The down side to this is that the DM if they wanted to change it, would have to feel comfortable enough to edit a file within the API. The upside is, if they don't care to change it, there isn't an additional file on their table that they don't know about (although, they do need to copy 2 files to the table) Option 3: The blah Method So my least favorite method would be to have a config command, the the DM would need to enter in the options via chat. I dislike this as it can be prone to errors, and should anything happen to the API, the user would need to re-type the info. Using the other 2 methods, the DM might be more likely to have a local back up of their info. Option 4: The "I just thought of this and have no idea if it can be done" So, as I was typing this, I also thought that I could perhaps,have a macro popup to prompt the DM to enter the info, that would then call the config function in my script... So I turn to you fellow scripters, what seems to be the best way to get potential config info into the game?