I was recently playing in a game where my Humakt warrior(with a broadsword skill of 100%) had managed to cast Strength on himself, and well as getting a critical while using his Death Rune to augment his sword attack.  This resulted in a chance to hit of 160%.  The skill in the sheet was 110%( the Strength spell added 10% ).  If it wasn't for the rule on skills over 100%, I would have just put 50 in the mods column for the weapon.  But, I had to put -10( to get it down to 100% ), and then remember to tell the GM the my opponents parry needed to be reduced by 60%.  It would be nice if either you automatically calculated skill success, criticals and specials based on a maximum skill of 100%, or, for the rare times the attack is not opposed, a check box to indicate the roll is opposed, and the skill should be limited to 100%.  In the specific situation, the Death Rune roll happened in one game session, we had to break in the middle of melee, so the augment carried through to the  next game session, two weeks later. I made myself a note to remember( not that I was likely to forget that crit! ), but it would be nice if the sheet could handle this.