If you'd like to add a pirate flavor. The real (ray-all) is the basic currency unit, 1/8th of an ounce of silver. The dominant coin is called the piece of 8 and it's one ounce of silver worth eight reales (ray-all-es). It was literally cut into bits as needed to pay for things. If something cost 2 reales, you'd give them 2 bits, two eights of this coin. (There were also 1, 2, and 4 real coins, but cutting up pieces of 8 was really a thing.) An escudo (es-cu-doe) is a gold coin worth 16 reales. A doubloon is a gold coin worth 32 reales. Here's a macro that converts reales to doubloons. ?{Reales|41} reales = [[ floor( ?{Reales} /32 ) ]] gold doubloons, [[ floor( (?{Reales} % 32) /8) ]] silver pieces of 8, [[ ?{Reales} % 8 ]] bits <a href="https://piratesoflore.com/pieces-of-eight.html" rel="nofollow">https://piratesoflore.com/pieces-of-eight.html</a>