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Multi-Campaign Group seeking more players (4E)

Hello All! A few here might recognize me, though I doubt that very much do. I am the Mutt and I have for about the last year or so run a home-brewed campaign using the Fourth Ed. D&D rules. Well that campaign has finally come to an end, with many a nostalgic memory in its wake. We are on the brink of resuming play here in the near future, and have a few empty seats at our table. When I say "Multi-Campaign" group, that is to say that I will be running upwards of three different campaigns, two of which run opposite each other, though more on that later. We are looking for players of all calibers, welcoming players new to the system, and to tabletops altogether, and even if you do not find a seat at our table, we welcome you into the group itself as another venue for possible games in the future, as well as the odd other event now and then to go along with a fine bit of chit-chat. Now let me get down to the campaigns themselves. The two running opposite to each other are as follows: Saints and Sorrows : A Homebrewed campaign in which the party represents the forces of Good seeking to embolden the lands and keep the peace while the Saint King, in his failing health, begins to decline in power. Of Honor We Have None : A Homebrewed campaign in which the party is of course... evil... they have been corrupted by the mists of Shadow, the malevolent being that the Saint King in his prime had warded off from consuming the kingdom, and are now sowing seeds of chaos across the land. These are Human only campaigns starting at level one, with the intention to go allll the way for the gold of lvl 30. The later campaign though has the exception of allowing for Changlings as a race selection (more on that if you are curious). Depending on how things go, what happens in one campaign will have an affect on the other. Always With Humble Beginnings : Is a more flexible campaign that is more or less the typical adventurers getting together to... well adventure. As of right now Of Honor we Have None has three players at the table, running on Sundays, the time is still being hashed out. These players are members of my original campaign and very happy to welcome others in. Saints and Sorrows as of right now is empty of players, and is like to run on Wednesdays at 2130 CST (-6GMT). Always With Humble Beginnings : Is likewise more or less empty of players with only one of my current players out-right stating any interest in play for sure. This is likely to run on Tuesdays 2130 CST (-6GMT) We are looking to start with Honor tomorrow some time in the evening, if you are interested please feel free to message me here, though you are likely to have greater effect reaching me on Skype at least for this evening : mentalmutt We are looking ONLY for players her are able to make sessions consistently. I will happily take interest from those whom wish to play in one shots of course.
Man I would love to join either but I'm 13 hours ahead of EST.
While I thank you for your interest, you are still welcome to join our community at The Guild that way if a one shot happens to align to your schedule you are already set up to hop in and play! One other thing I- Ok.. two other things I forgot to mention We are a Voice only campaign, microphones are required, as well as the manners associated with using a microphone in a group. The other is that with my work schedule and the various campaigns I am running along with other things in the works on the side, this is not a map-heavy campaign(none of them). If that bothers you, I am sorry but my players and I have been able to make it work for a great while to much success.
Your game times line up very well for me. I would lean towards the Saints or Humble campaigns but if there are not enough players for those to have a decent party I believe I could still make a good fitting character (assuming you still have space) for your Honor group. Just to be clear, is the Honor group self-centered or still working as a cohesive and cooperative group just against those outside of the party? I am not a fan of PvP. Running in all of them may be fun but I do not want to end up overcommitting and if the campaigns are affecting each other playing in both may give too much player knowledge that you would like to avoid, though I am often very good at separating player and character knowledge. I have played a decent amount of 4e though I have been on a break with two tiny kids. I would likely lean toward a Controller role followed by leader and then defender or striker. What is the party make up of your Honor campaign? And will they be playing at a similar time? (I cannot do earlier.) Is it likely the other groups will be getting off of the ground?
Ok I will do my best to answer questions in order, if I fail to cover anything please just let me know: I am not allowing players who play in the Honor group to play in the Saints group for that exact reason of meta-gaming, while I know my players are good at avoiding it, the temptation is still there. There is no pvp, the parties never actually will face each other, merely influence each other's worlds. How that will go down is still getting hammered out on a personal front. When it comes to the Honor group, they are starting off as individuals, everyone at character creation will have a moment in the lime light, and then will group up to further the goals of their shadow-touched hearts. The honor group is likely to run in the evenings, and I am aiming for roughly 1900 CST personally but again what works best for the group will be kept in mind, though sessions will never go past 0100 my time as I do need to sleep for work every now and. The party makeup consists of a Monk, a Barbarian, and a Fateweaver(Leader from a 3rd party source one of my vet players is testing out), though by no means should you let this restrict you. Edit: I knew I would forget one of the questions. It is likely that Humble Beginnings will run on Tuesdays as I stated(Girlfriend doesn't want to be restricted to humans ... ) and as of now I do have some player interest in said campaign.

Edited 1396760466
Oh, sorry, I should have been more clear on the PvP aspect. I was unclear if the members of the Honor group would lean towards LE or CE by 3.5 terms. As in even though they are evil and out for a decent amount of personal gain do they still all work as a team, not trying to screw or cheat each other to further their own personal gain? Unfortunately time wise I am not available till about 2100 CST any night due to being with my family. So if Honor's start time is earlier than that then that will be a no-go for me. So I guess for now I will wait to see if Honor's time gets pushed back or if more players come in for the other groups. And is it possible for a player to have characters in both Saints and Humble groups? As for general character building, what source material are you using? Core (your definition of core? as some people vary), published, magazines, ...? Are you using backgrounds and or themes? I believe the standard point-buy is 22, is that what you are using? How much role play vs roll play is there?
Hello there. I actually just found roll20 through some people on twitch. I have very little experience with table top games. I haven't played in probably 6 years or more and I have a feeling what I played was just whatever the DM felt like dishing out that night. I had a lot of fun with my group back then and I would love to get back into it. I don't know a whole lot about the games, but I am a quick study. I'm free all the time right now pretty much and am only 1 time zone away. I'd be up to playing any campaign if you'd have me. If you want/need to know anything else, feel free to ask as I am a fairly open person. I look forward to hearing from you. :)
@Spazz The characters have their own reasons for why they are the way they are. After all they -were- good. But something in them changed. That is up to the player themselves, though eventually they are driven to the goal of that which touches all their hearts together. I allow all sources as long as players are not going out of their way to break the campaign. Third party sources are restricted right now to my veteran players though I will happily review one if you have one you are very eager to play it. The only background I do not allow is Noble. As stated the Saints and Honor camapigns are Human and Human/Changling respectively for races. We are a 22 point buy campaign. It is possible to have a character in Saints+Humble or Honor+Humble, just not Saints+Honor. Humble is a completely separate campaign. @Moth Well, welcome back to the table! Glad to have you. As of right now all I really need to know is which campaign interests you most. I seat, at most, seven to the table so long as everyone manages to be well behaved. Humble Beginnings is likely to be more welcoming to someone just getting back into it as it allows more leeway in making characters. That said on the side I will happily answer any questions about the system :)
I will also like to note we have only one -certain- open seat for the Honor group as I am waiting on word from one of my other players who had a wedding to go to when all this was getting under-way XD
What system do you use for voice chat? I'm interested, but I refuse to use skype.
We use either Google Hangouts or Raidcall. As of right now I am closing the group for Honor. Those who have expressed interest will not be forgotten, but there are a few reserved seats I am waiting word on. That said, if another DM happens to stumble upon this thread as you see there are, as always an army of players eager to roll some dice! If you are interested in learning how to DM by all means feel free to ask any questions as the more of us there are, the more games can be played!
I wouldn't mind playing a Monk in the Saints or Humble games if that would be alright. I think the sessions begin 7:30pm pst which is fine by me.
Sounds great. If you scroll up a bit you'll see a link to our forums kindly sign up there so we can get things sorted more thoroughly.