Twitch chat (to be fair, just me today) agreed to the campaign setting: Battle of Bones in the year 1090 DR[1]. This will be a gritty adventure setting, great for low level characters getting ground down by the war. The setting and background is well described in "Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix 1", which you can find in pdf format online. (You can see the VOD[2], which was chat-only today.) On the scripting side, I have a !roll20 join command partly working. This will greatly streamline viewers joining the fray. We can also discuss in chat how we want leveling and loot to work. I think it will be based primarily on participation. Discussing how non-playing viewers can influence the game would be fun too. I'll continue the lunch hour sessions this week, work/life permitting. See you online! [1] <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [2] <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>