I'm trying to set up my first play session using Geomorphic Cave Tiles from the Marketplace. I figured I would use Dynamic Light Recorder ( <a href="https://github.com/Roll20/roll20-api-scripts/tree/master/DynamicLightRecorder" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/Roll20/roll20-api-scripts/tree/master/DynamicLightRecorder</a> ) to draw in my dynamic lighting paths and record them so that each time I "draw" that map tile, the paths are already drawn in. Not being able to do this kind of ruins the whole "drag-n-drop" feature of these packs, ya know? The issue is that the map pack uses each tile as a card in a deck, and AFAIK there is no way to simply convert them to normal tokens. As such, the script simply isn't recognizing the tiles, as it calls for "token" specifically from the API. Even when setting the cards to "Considered: Tokens", there is no change. I am not super familiar with the API, so my apologies if some things are explained wrong. But is there any way to "trick" the script into considering the tiles as tokens? If not, is there any other existing script or new built in function to do what I am trying to do? Thanks!