Once again it seems I'm in over my head! Can anyone help me work out why the following sheet button won't work? It's not setting the attribute, nor is the PowerCards call generating anything. The goal is to display and save a dice roll, then plug the result into an equation to produce the desired system result. Any help is most welcome! Here's the code: <button type='roll' style="width:15px; height:15px" value='!setattr {{ --charid @{character_id} --silent --savedroll1|[[2d10!!cf0cs0]] }} !power {{ --name|@{character_name}: Dexterity --leftsub|@{tdexterity} AP --rightsub|TN ?{Target Number|11} --Roll|[[@{savedroll1}]] --Result|[[@{tdexterity}-?{Target Number}+(@{savedroll1}-11+floor(@{tdexterity}/6))]].}}' name='roll_dexterity'></button>