This suggestion isn't really related to any technical enhancements, but rather to improvements in the workflow for making changes to the API repository. I'm not asking for pull requests to be processed more frequently, but it would be very helpful if API developers could receive feedback on pull requests before the weekly merge. That way, if there is something wrong, developers have a chance to make appropriate changes before the pull requests get processed next. Then the developers and their scripts' users don't have to wait a whole more week to make the changes and wait for them to be reviewed again. As it is right now, if there is a problem, users are kept waiting for a long time as iterations are made each week to try to make the script changes "correct". Even if the appropriate changes are made immediately, everyone has to wait another week for the changes to be reviewed and ~maybe~ get merged, which is very frustrating. This sort of workflow improvement would be greatly appreciated by both the API development community and the API script users.