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Searching in the art library isn't finding items from owned premium collections

I have just discovered that every time I search in the art library for an item to add into one of my maps, the search function is no longer searching inside premium sets I own.  I know the art is there, because I can click on premium assets and my sets are listed, and I can explode them and see the individual art items.  Search appears to only be finding items from my personally uploaded art, unpurchased premium sets, or the web.  Please take a look into this. I doubt this is necessary, but I'm using google chrome, V ersion 75.0.3770.142 (Official Build) (64-bit); windows 10 home, intel i7 core processor, w/ 12 gigs of RAM.  Replicating the bug is simple, as every time I search for art, I get nothing from my owned premium sets.
I'm getting the same thing. it's been this way since at least yesterday (the 30th) I spotted it on chrome, then tried it on firefox and then on edge. As Brian I can go into my collection and find all the things and see their names and so on, and things I used to search for and get LOADS of results from my purchases now return diddly squat. :( Really sucks. Help?

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Having the same issue. I wasn't seeing the problem last night while running a game, but now I can't find things usually. Very odd.     Some searches seem to work, though - not finding everything, but getting a few results.

Edited 1564610853
Roll20 Team
Hello everyone, Thank you all for reporting this issue, we were able to reproduce it on our end and a ticket has been submitted to our dev team. Our apologies for the trouble while we resolve this!
Thanks Nick!
Yep. Me too. Have bought a ton of good stuff on the marketplace but it does me no good whatsoever if it doesn't come up on searches. (Related - it does me no good if marketplace content isn't pre-tagged with every conceivable keyword, so hopefully that is a requirement for submitted paid products.)
I'm also having the same problem, but thank you Nick and team for getting onto it so quickly. Really appreciate the fast response <3
For what it's worth, this bug has not yet been fixed, as of 9:40 PM CST.  Guess this week's game session is on hold, as I can't build up the castle without easy access to my art :(
Hey guys, I'm discovering that I'm having the same problem.  Do we have any word as yet as to why this may be?  
Yeah, I'm having the same issue. I guess I'll be manually going through everything instead of searching. 
I've been having the same issue, but i noticed something odd if i buy new assets those show up as normal when i search for them in the art library
Thank you all for the additional reports and information! We are still currently investigating the issue and consolidating responses  here . I'll be closing this thread to keep things tidy, so keep an eye on the other one for updates.